Always a place for the curious.

Our culture reflects the features that make Pienso unique. We’re accessible, not hierarchical; connected, not siloed; and committed to making technology accessible to all.

And our people have the same qualities as our customers – they’re curious, keen to learn, and excited to see what humans and technology can achieve together. Join us in finding out.

Our values

  • We’re thoughtful

    Thoughtfulness is embedded into every aspect of our brand – even our name means ‘to think’.  We approach problems with the human in mind, asking: how can we help people know more and do more? We’re not moving fast and breaking things. We take time to consider every angle and outcome.

  • We’re playful

    We believe a child-like sense of wonder and curiosity about the world are essential to creativity. The importance of play is built into our product and our philosophy. Through play  we see the world from different angles, enabling us to find novel answers to existing questions and ask completely new ones.

  • We’re purposeful

    We’re optimistic about what Pienso can do for people and pragmatic about the learning curve to get there. With expertise and empathy, we guide our users to their ‘eureka’ moment when use becomes understanding. And we search for those moments in our own work, pursuing new knowledge with purpose.

  • We’re humble

    We do everything with humility because we’re always learning, too. Our customers continually surprise us with the scope of their ideas, taking Pienso to places we hadn’t considered. We respect the innovators who have come before us, the experts of today, and the world we’re building together.